Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Thoughts on Opportunity


The word keeps rattling around in my head today.

For Christians, opportunity should be a big word. An opportunity is a chance, a moment, perhaps even fleeting. It may only come around once.

And we may never see it.

For me, I wonder how many opportunities have passed me by - silently, swiftly, without my feeling as much as a breeze on my cheek as it passed. I'm not talking about opportunities to further my career or get ahead in professional ministry or anything like that (although this lesson certainly applies in personal matters as well). I'm thinking of opportunities to help someone. Reach out to someone.

Bless someone.

How many hurting people pass me by each day who could use a smile or a kind word?

How many lonely people pass me by who could use a friendly recognition that they even exist?

How many chances have I let slip by to help a friend or a stranger with my talents, or just some encouragement?

It saddens me to consider it, and puts a sharp new focus on my life. If I truly stop and consider the opportunities God places in front of me every day - multiple times every day - would I ever turn on the television? Would I waste my time in some frivolous entertainment or activity? Would I sit and worry about my troubles (real and imaginary - most of them falling into the latter category)?

Or would I invest my time to reach out to others? Would I invite a friend to dinner? Would I offer to lend a hand? Every situation in life has its opportunities - chances to help, to learn, to teach, to grow, to bless and be blessd.

Inward navel-gazing closes our eyes to the world around us. When we concentrate on ourselves, we are blinded to our surroundings. And we miss so much... so many opportunities to reach out and fulfill God's will for our lives. Our education, talents and abilities are a means to an end, not an end in and of themselves. The "end" is found in these words of Jesus: "Love one another... as I have loved you..." (John 13:34, NIV). Paul tells us to "be devoted to one another in brotherly love. Honor one another above yourselves" (Romans 12:10, NIV). "Serve one another in love" (Galatians 5:13, NIV). "Love one another deeply, from the heart" (1 Peter 1:22, NIV). "And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds" (Hebrews 10:24, NIV).

Opportunity. I pray I never miss it again.

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