Thursday, October 25, 2007


Welcome to the newly revised E-ncouragement blog, The View From Down Here...

Why the change? Well... I changed the appearance because I want a fresh start here. It's been far too long since last I blogged, so I felt a change was in order. A new coat of paint (so to speak) on the background seems a good place to start.

The name change - "contemplative" didn't fit so well. After many seconds of deep "contemplation" (assuming contemplation can truly be achieved in such a short time), I came up with what I think is more fitting name: The View From Down Here... After all, what can we know about God (or anyone / anything else for that matter) that wasn't revealed to us by Him? The best we can do is look upward - in prayer, in time spent with the Lord and His Word - and look at what He shows us, hear what He tells us.

Please visit often. Leave comments. And enjoy!

More to come soon...